Abby's Pet Fostering Team

Supporting my furry foster pets and spreading joy through unique crochet designs.

Abby's Pet Fostering Team

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Hi! I'm Abby, Emily's youngest child. When I was 11 years old, I had a dream to help animals in need. My mom and dad helped me become a volunteer foster for pets at the CAP shelter. We have had over 150 pets in our home for the past seven years!
I realized the extreme expense this was putting on our family, so I crocheted stuff to sell and provide for our foster pet needs!
*Blazin’ Yarn & ART with Albright work together to Crochet, 
Paint, Draw, and Drill toys to make fun stuff!
*All sales go to providing for the many needs of our foster pets.
*As a foster family, we provide a safe place for each pet to receive the individual attention they need to be healthy enough for adoption!
*We may have a pet because they are underage, underweight, have a baby with no mommy, have an illness, or have a particular need! 
*Each animal we help gives them a better chance at a 
FURever home!
Thank you for your support!